The main source of energy for our earth is the sun.
This bright yellow volcano is at the center of the solar system and our planet Earth and other planets are at its center.
Naturally, these stars have direct and indirect effects on multiple processes on Earth.
It also brings about vast changes in biodiversity, climate, and seasons.
Recently, the source of our life force, this sun has entered a new solar cycle. This solar cycle will last for about five years i.e. till 2025.
A few days ago, NASA announced that this brightest star has entered a new solar cycle. It has been named ‘Solar Cycle 25’.
Usually, when the sun passes through the solar cycle, its magnetic fields change.

In many cases, the position of the star may change slightly and the motion may also increase.
Solar storms are also often seen. Scientists say that it can increase the brightness of the sun.
What effect can it have on our world?
Scientists say that our planet has a deep connection with the change of the solar cycle.
It is involved with the world in many ways. This solar cycle often increases the amount of solar radiation and the heat we receive.
In addition, it affects our space-based technologies, power supplies, and radio communications.
However, this is not the first solar cycle.
When did the sun enter the solar cycle before?
Earlier, the solar cycle was started in 2006. It continues from 2008 to 2019.
However, the new solar cycle is about to start, it will take five years. In other words, this solar cycle will run until 2025.
According to NASA, of course, there is no reason for us or the animals of this planet to be worried about this.
Because the character of this new solar bike is not very different from its previous solar bike.
The former lasted about 11 years. So it will not have a huge impact in these five years.
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Leica Guhathakurta, a program scientist at NASA’s Helio Physics Division, said efforts have been underway for the past 40 years.
The sun is being observed in more detail. Every movement is being monitored.
Seeing a strong wave recently, it is understood that the sun has entered its new solar cycle.
This ‘Solar Cycle 25’ will reach its peak in July 2025.
Doug Beiseker, a solar physicist at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center agrees.
Scientists from other space agencies besides NASA are also trying to observe the sun in more detail.
So that the forecast and details of the various processes taking place in the sun in the coming days can be made public.