The new dangerous virus is called brucellosis. It more terrible than corona.
Some may have heard the name of this new bacterial infectious disease.
Many people may not know that brucellosis is much more serious than coronary heart disease.
At the moment the whole world is watching the coronavirus.
The world is counting the number of infections and deaths every day.
This will continue until the effective vaccine arrives with this opportunity, brucellosis is gradually gaining ground.
The world waiting for another pandemic?
That’s what scientists fear if it does take the form of an epidemic scientists claim it will be several times more dangerous than Covid-19.
But India has no way to sit idly by because, these new infectious bacteria have already entered our country.
Not to be called for unnecessary intimidation brucellosis has really melted its head in India.
Corona taught the whole world what could happen if we were not careful in the beginning.
coronavirus spared form China’s Wuhan don’t go beyond the borders of China to say how horrible it is to the outside world.
This brucellosis bacterium has also just been caught in China.
New bacterial infections have spread to northwestern China thousands of Chinese test reports have already come positive.
What are the symptoms of Brucellosis?
Symptoms of brucellosis include fever, joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, headache, and excessive sweating.
Corona has a similarity with the symptoms! These bacteria live in the body for several months.
After being infected with the virus during which time symptoms can occur.
According to the National Health Commission (NHC), Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province China, 3,245 people have been infected with brucellosis so far. Initially, 1,401 more people reported positive.
Fortunately, no one in China has yet died from this bacterial infection.
If it was confined to China it would be a relief to be able to breathe a sigh of relief.
According to sources, this new bacterial infection has already been detected in India. This Brucellosis virus affects humans as well as animals.

How is brucellosis spread?
Brucellosis is caused by a group of bacteria belonging to the genus Brucella virus.
From humans to animals – no one is immune to these bacteria.
These deadly bacteria can spread directly to the human body from the fluids of infected animals.
Unpasteurized dairy products can also spread the infection from polluted air.
According to health experts, the possibility of human-to-human transmission is extremely rare.
However, everything from contaminated food to breathing in areas where bacteria are present can spread the infection.
Breastfeeding a baby can even spread the bacteria through sexual intercourse.
Even if it is cut and spread, this new bacterial infection can occur from there.
There is a preliminary idea that the bacteria spread to China from the Zhangmu Lanzhou Biological Pharmaceutical Factory between late June and August last year.
Humans as well as sheep, cows, goats, pigs, dogs can be infected.
Although there is no cure for COVID 19, there are several antibiotics used to treat brucellosis. However, there is no vaccine-like COVID.
Experts say that it can be treated with antibiotics. It can take weeks or one month to recover.
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There is a possibility of re-infection even after that.
The best way to avoid infection is to stay away from raw dairy products. Please be careful when working with animals.
According to researchers, the spread of brucellosis in India has just begun.
An average of 1 lakh people is being infected every year. The mortality rate is 2 percent.
The infection is spread from cows, goats, pigs, and buffaloes of the farm.
After thousands of infections were detected in China, experts warn that brucellosis tests should be started at a massive rate in India now.
Otherwise, another epidemic like coronavirus is waiting for time.