India will play an important role in providing the corona vaccine to the world.
Anthony Fossey, one of the best infectious disease specialists and senior adviser to US President Donald Trump on the corona.
Although the Corona crisis is very serious, he said, there is no need to rush to the human body for this vaccine test.
Fossey is the head of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
He said two US drug companies, Moderna and Fitzgerald, were in the process of testing the corona vaccine in humans.

He told a web conference hosted by ICMR, Departments of Biotechnology, and the Union Ministry of Health that expertise was going to play a vital role in India’s vaccine development.
All the tests for making the vaccine are following all the rules and regulations, and every step related to safety is being checked.
Vaccination in the human body means injecting a small amount of the virus into the body of a healthy person, but before that he has to be vaccinated against that disease.
As a result, researchers can find out if the vaccine is able to prevent the disease.
In the case of malaria and dengue, the test is ongoing, although experts are divided on its ethics.
Because corona is an unknown disease, there is no specific treatment.
At the conference, Rajesh Bhushan, the next health secretary of the country, said that the government is holding discussions to ensure that the corona vaccine reaches the doorsteps.
Read More – Russia could bring the world’s first corona vaccine
However, doctors and health workers will get special importance.
Although the elderly, the poor, and people with other illnesses are most at risk of contracting the disease, they are also being considered.