The Indian student group has to win at NASA’s Artemis Next Generation Stem Moon to Mars App Development Challenge competition.
The challenge was to create an app. High school student Aryan Jain has won this difficult and prestigious coding competition.
This year the competition was organized by NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) for school students was asked to create an app that would make it possible to observe the moon’s south pole.
As per the source, the news says that Aryan is a member of a team called Team Unity. There are a few more school students on this team.

Their names are Anika Patel, Andy Wang, Franklin Ho, Jennifer Jiang, Justin G and Bedika Kothari.
Associated with this were five separate world schools led by Whitney High School in America.
In February, a Virtual Meet Team Unity will attend a workshop with experts on the subject and NASA’s skilled team.
Many people are curious about how Team Unity has created this app. It is programmed using a cross-platform gaming engine.
Some important aspects of this app are also quite interesting. For example, this app has a mini-map.
With the help of this map, an astronaut can understand his true position from an orthographic point of view.
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If you look at it this way, you will understand exactly how far he has progressed from where he started to his destination.
Also using this map the astronaut will be able to understand the matter with the perspective of a first-person and a third person.
The app also has 3D scenes, pathfinding options, and terrain textures. Lunar South Polar information is used in this app.
Incidentally, this winning student Aryan Jain is a student of Sun City School in Gurugram.
NASA is now busy with their Mars mission. A section of the Next Gene Stem is focusing on that.
NASA’s mission to send the first female astronaut to the moon is part of the Next Gen Stem Moon to Mars App Development Challenge.